Shetler Family Dairy

Shetler Family Dairy, located in Kalkaska, Michigan is a large dairy farm producing milk, butter, ice cream, and cheese. They have 2 types of customers that the website had to appeal to. Commercial customers such as retail stores, schools, and restaurants had to be able to easily login to the site to re-order products quickly and easily. We also wanted to sell the brand to prospective commercial accounts visiting the site. The second customer was everyday consumers. Consumers need to be able to find locations, see what events are happening at the farm, read about processes and ingredients, and really feel the brand. 


  • Sell an experience to customers who want to come to the farm, eat ice cream, and buy products from stores.
  • Get ice cream and milk into the hands of more store owners and vendors.
  • Make re-ordering seamless
  • Help consumers see the value in natural dairy products
  • Show the farm’s heritage and uniqueness
  • Create a way for people to easily find stores so they can pick up products locally


– Big, high-quality images taken from non-tradition angles and carry the tagline into the images “Our cows aren’t on drugs  but they are on grass”

– Incorporate the feel of a family owned and operated environment by splashing photos of the family throughout, old family recipes, and the story of the farm

– Sell the natural process and ingredients of Shetler products

– Sign in page for vendors

– Nutrition and ingredients page

– Health reasons page

– Plant information

– Interactive map showing all locations

– Calendar of events happening at the farm





To view the new, updated Shetler Family Dairy website, click the button below!

Come Together

310 W. Front St #308
Traverse City, MI 49684

(231) 714-0290

Toll Free: (877) 280-6486

If you are looking to inquire about becoming a vendor partner, freelance partner or would like an opportunity to pitch us on your software please send your inquiry to Anyone trying to sell us through our contact form will be deleted and blacklisted from any future consideration.

Free Consulting!