Body Specs
Body Specs is a personal training facility in Ann Arbor, Michigan that focuses on orthopedic rehabilitation and physique development for athletes. The training center is run by its owner Skip Bunton, a men’s magazine top 100 fitness trainer. He is a man who knows what he wants and accepts no excuses. So we knew we would have to “dig deep” to deliver something that would really get him excited. Pun intended.

- Increase memberships
- Increase class signups
- Become the authority in the Ann Arbor fitness community
- Not mobile friendly
- Duplicate content
- Low conversion rates
- No direct path to conversion
- Confusing layout
- Information overload
– Mobile first design
– Aspirational messaging
– Bold visuals and design tone
– Leverage team education level
– Highlight awards and accreditations
– HDR photos for process, team, and main header
– Custom evaluation form for each sport to capture leads
– Include the blog content from current Blogger website
– Redirect URL to fitnessannarbor.com
– Include class/event schedule
– Exit Intent Strategy: Offer a free class

“The site is STUPENDOUS more than I expected it would be …kudos to your very TALENTED team…JUST outstanding!!”

If you are looking to inquire about becoming a vendor partner, freelance partner or would like an opportunity to pitch us on your software please send your inquiry to Partnership@LeadplanMarketing.com. Anyone trying to sell us through our contact form will be deleted and blacklisted from any future consideration.