G3 Studios
Known for their unique handcrafted wood gifts, G3 Studios was looking for a way to update their website to show off the quality of work while generating eCommerce sales. The website needed to sell the products by showcasing features and functionality, along with high-quality photos that would capture the visitor’s attention.

- Create a visually stunning website that represented the brand
- Show up in search results for terms related to the products sold
- Increase sales conversions for both retail and wholesale customers
- Grow customer email list and improve email marketing strategy
– Design a website that would show the quality of products while increasing conversions
– Build for mobile-friendly design first
– Create an exit intent offer to capture emails and build email marketing strategy
– Include large images to showcase the quality of work and custom options
– Build a brand that can become the authority in this industry
To see the new, updated G3 Studios website, click the button below.

If you are looking to inquire about becoming a vendor partner, freelance partner or would like an opportunity to pitch us on your software please send your inquiry to Partnership@LeadplanMarketing.com. Anyone trying to sell us through our contact form will be deleted and blacklisted from any future consideration.