Nifty Things

Known throughout northern Michigan as the most unique gift shop, Nifty Things operates 4 locations. Originally, owners Martee and Doug had come to us to help them sell more products online. However, with thousands of everchanging items in their stores, an eCommerce store was not going to be an ideal situation for them. Our suggestion was to capture the uniqueness of the store and appeal to those visiting the area with the goal of driving them into the store. We knew if we could do that and capture customer sign ups in exchange for a special offer, we could continue to upsell them throughout the year. In turn, increasing revenue. 


  • Create a visual that will evoke the Nifty Things Brand
  • Show in search results for terms related to visiting Traverse City
  • Generate more traffic to physical store locations
  • Grow customer email list and database


– Contracted with a photographer that can achieve a truly unique hero image

– Easy to find store locations

– Exit intent offer: Sign up for a free nifty gift (redeem in store)



To see the new Nifty Things website and the work that our team has done, visit the link below!

Come Together

310 W. Front St #308
Traverse City, MI 49684

(231) 714-0290

Toll Free: (877) 280-6486

If you are looking to inquire about becoming a vendor partner, freelance partner or would like an opportunity to pitch us on your software please send your inquiry to Anyone trying to sell us through our contact form will be deleted and blacklisted from any future consideration.

Free Consulting!