Traverse Body and Paint Center
Traverse Body and Paint Center wanted a site that would represent them as they truly are. They are a body shop. They spend their days getting down and dirty doing what they love. Having a visual that pulled out that shop guy feel was a key in this design. In this industry, our target market does not generally search for a body shop until they have been in an accident. So we wanted to make sure Traverse Body and Paint Center showed up as a great option. Once at the site, we created a seamless way for someone to fill out a quick accident report that would be sent to the shop and also to the insurance carrier. The insurance company would receive the report complete with photos and the report is branded with Traverse Body and Paint Center. This helps further market directly to the insurance provider, our second target

- Has to rank well in Google search
- Capture leads from people recently in a car accident
- Market to insurance providers
- Create a site that really represents what they do in the shop
- Showcase the team
- Show the process
– High-quality images of the team doing various task in the shop
– Content strategy “Shop Talk” based on keyword research for higher search rankings
– Pay per click advertising strategy $100 off your tow
– Accident report capture info of prospect and markets insurance companies
– Team page
– Process laid out on homepage
– Compelling why statement
To view the new, updated Traverse Body and Paint Center website, click the button below.

If you are looking to inquire about becoming a vendor partner, freelance partner or would like an opportunity to pitch us on your software please send your inquiry to Partnership@LeadplanMarketing.com. Anyone trying to sell us through our contact form will be deleted and blacklisted from any future consideration.